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Product CMI Drug Safe DS2D CMI Sub Deposit Safe SUB 3A CMI Mini Deposit Safe DEP3C Combination Lock Locktech Jumbo Safe ES031D Black
Brand CMI Safes CMI Safes CMI Safes Locktech Safes
Price $1892.87 $2969.31 $1428.86 $565.11
No. Shelves 4 1
Actual Weight (kg) 89.00 88.00 39.00 57.00
Model DS2D SUB 3A DEP3C ES031D Black
Ext Dimensions (mm) H W D 610 x 457 x 230 595 x 388 x 235 315 x 315 x 360 520 x 410 x 445
Int Dimensions (mm) H W D 590 x 437 x 210 415 x 305 x 320

A single keylocking 200mm high 6mm plate change safe above a dual key
locking cash safe with an 75mm x 183mm drawer deposit chute above the door.

In 2009 Victoria suffered horrendous bushfires during Black Saturday.

The Locktech EM020 Safe pictured below was found amongst the still smouldering ash of a home several days after the fire had passed.

Prising open the safe revealed that all the contents including marriage certificates and other important documents were still intact.

It is estimated that the fire front reached temperatures in excess of 1,000 degrees celsius.

  a burnt safe

No. Drawers 1
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